Saturday, September 19, 2009

Simple Guide - Glutamine Blast

Hello Bloggers! It is a beautiful Saturday here in sunny Florida. As I was driving back from the gym I got a phone call from a fellow bodybuilder about using Glutamine Blast. Most of the guys and gals from the local gym use the Sharp Labs "Blast" line bodybuilding supplements available at or Try a simple search in google for "Glutamine Blast" and you will find it on sale often too! They are made with natural, not synthetic, raw materials and perform superior compared to other supp's.
So the question for many is, "How do I incorporate my Glutamine info my workout routine to maximize progress?".
Well this take a look at the basic structure and function of Glutamine first. What is Glutamine? Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that it is produced by the body under normal conditions through proper nutrition. Glutamine functions as a vital building block of proteins which are found in high concentrations in our muscle tissue. However, if the body experiences stress or trauma during periods of intense exercise, malnutrition, injury, illness or disease, the demand for Glutamine increases. If the body cannot produce sufficient quantities of this Amino Acid in response to stress or trauma, this deficiency could lead to a compromised immune system and a longer recovery period. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and can be considered “conditionally essential” when extreme conditions cause an increase in the body’s demand for this important protein facilitator. Glutamine is considered a non-essential amino acid. Under certain circumstances the body's tissues need more glutamine than the overall amount supplied by diet especially during hard exercise. During catabolic stress, for instance, intracellular glutamine levels can drop more than 50 percent, and plasma concentration falls 30 percent. It is under these circumstances that supplemental glutamine becomes necessary.
Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that is synthesized and absorbed by various organs of the body including the stomach, intestines, and muscles. Strenuous prolonged exercise, such as a marathon or intense weight training decreases the body's glutamine levels. This in turn affects various bodily functions, including immune system function. Since glutamine acts as an energy source for the cells of the immune system, its suppression that occurs after exercise is believed to contribute to infections athletes often develop during periods of intense training. Recent research has shown that supplementing with glutamine can help decrease the likelihood of suffering from illness due to infection.
So why do I use Glutamine Blast? Within a week of glutamine supplementation your muscles become visably larger since you have an increase in the amount of water driven into the muscle cells similar to the effects that creatine give. This effect is known as "cell volumization." Some of the good side effects of glutamine is that it helps the immune system by producing more white blood cells.
So when do I take Glutamine Blast? To take glutamine you should injest it with some sort of high glycemic meal after your workouts. To achieve the best effects, you should take 16 grams of glutamine with your post workout carb meal or drink. For an even greater effect, you can take another 16 grams 90 minutes after the first dose. There is no need to cycle glutamine either. It's benefits like creatine will remain as long as you continue to use the supplement. No significant side effects have been reported in glutamine studies.
I highly recommend glutamine supplementation. It gives very quick results similar to creatine and is very cost effective as well. You must mix it in something other than water though because it isn't water soluble at all and tastes bad like that anyway. Remember use your CreaBlast pure micron creatine pre-workout and your Glutamine Blast post-workout.

Thanks for reading!
Pump it up!

Larry G. - Bodybuilding Enthusiast

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